When the entire country is following the lockdown to contain the Covid-19 spread, phone calls, WhatsApp and other chat platforms have become the primary method of communication. This has also increased the amount of messages one usually receives on WhatsApp groups which at times gets annoying. Thankfully, WhatsApp comes with an option that allows users to mute and unmute group notifications for a certain period of time.
However, even after muting a group, you’ll receive notifications and messages, but the phone will not vibrate or play the notification tone. In fact it won’t be displayed in the notification panel.
  • Latest version of WhatsApp
  • Working internet connection

Steps to follow:
1.Open WhatsApp and scroll at any group chat
2.Press and hold or long press on the group name and choose the ‘Mute’ icon from the top
3.Alternatively, you can also open the group chat and tap on three icon and select Mute notifications option.
4.Now, choose for how long you want to keep the group notifications on mute and tap Ok
To unmute the group notifications, head to group chat and tap on three dot from the top right corner and choose the option Unmute notifications.
1.iPhone users can also swipe the group to the left from the Chats tab and tap on More
2.Here, tap on Mute option.
3.Repeat the same to unmute the group notifications

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