The novel coronavirus outbreak has put many countries under lockdown forcing many to work from home. In this scenario, video conferencing apps have gained popularity like never before. One such app is Zoom, available for free on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. However, several concerns were raised by experts pertaining to safety and privacy of the app’s users. India’s national cyber security agency, CERT-In cautioned against the cyber vulnerability of the app last week. It said that the unguarded usage of the digital application can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, including leakage of sensitive office information to cyber criminals.
Because of these cyber security concerns, many experts advise to not use the app. If you are looking to delete your Zoom app account, then here’s a step-by-step guide that will help you.
1.Visit website
2.Login into your Zoom account and click on ‘My Account’ tab on the top left

3.Scroll down and look for ‘Admin’ tab

4.Click on the ‘Admin’ tab and search ‘Account Management’ in the drop down menu

5.Now, click on the ‘Account Profile’. This will open the basic information page on the left side.

6.Click on ‘Terminate my account’
7.Confirm the termination to delete your Zoom account

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