Soon after Bharti Airtel announced the voice-over Wi-Fi calling feature in India, Reliance Jio also unveiled the service called Jio Wi-Fi Calling with pan-India support. If you are new to the Wi-Fi calling term, it allows users to make and receive calls over a connected Wi-Fi network when there is no network coverage or signal strength is low without any extra cost.
Although Airtel has recently expanded the region for Wi-Fi calling support in India, Reliance Jio has already announced pan-India support for the service. Also, currently, both the network service providers support for a limited number of handsets and if you want to check whether your smartphone supports Wi-Fi calling or not, you can check it here.
Meanwhile, if you want to activate this service on your smartphone running Airtel or Reliance Jio SIM card, follow our step-by-step guide:
For Apple iPhone

  1. Open Settings app on your iPhone
  2. Navigate to ‘Phone’ option and tap on it
  3. Now, tap on ‘Wi-Fi Calling’
  4. Here, turn on the Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone toggle to ‘On’
  5. It will then prompt with ‘Enable Wi-Fi Calling popup, tap Enable button to activate the service
For Android smartphones
Activating Wi-Fi Calling feature is a little different on Android devices as different smartphone makers can put the feature under different Settings options. For now, we will refer to Stock Android smartphone for this how-to guide.

  1. Head to ‘Settings’ of your smartphone
  2. Tap on ‘Connections’ option
  3. Here, look for the option ‘Wi-Fi Calling’ and set the toggle to ‘On’
  4. Samsung smartphone users can also follow the steps mentioned above to activate the service.
  5. Alternatively, you can search the Settings menu for Wi-Fi Calling and turn the feature on.
Note: In case, you are unable to find the Wi-Fi calling option in your smartphone, check whether your handset is supported and your service provider offers the Wi-Fi Calling service in your region.

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