Tech giant Google launched its flagship smartphones called Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL this year. The smartphone flaunts several new features and design. However, the primary and most known feature of the two is the camera. Google Pixel 3 devices are currently one of the best camera smartphones available in the market. The Camera app itself includes several features that make it stand out even against the most expensive Samsung and Apple devices.It has features like Night Sight, Bokeh effect, Photo Booth, Video stabilisation, etc. But what if, there’s a way you can get those features on your smartphone and capture that perfect portrait picture that much expensive Pixel smartphones can. Well, here’s a small workaround that can help you achieve better image quality from your smartphone.
Before we delve deeper, there are a few things that one should keep in mind.
First, it is a camera port and may not work with all the devices out there. Also, the device must be running on either Android Oreo or Pie for the app to work.
Basically, it is an apk file that you need to download and install it on your smartphone. XDA Developers recently ported the official Google camera app and posted it on their website.
Steps to follow:
1.First, you need to download it on your smartphone and PC
2.Search for Pixel 3 Camera port and hit the XDA link
3.Download the app and hit the install button once downloaded
4.After you’ve successfully installed the app on your smartphone
5.Open the app and allow all the necessary permissions
6.After this, you can just select the mode and hit the shutter button.
To add, this camera port also gets features like manually adjust the background blur, colour pop, night sight, stabilise option for video and more.
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